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[Solved] Git Tutorial for Beginners Commands Explained

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Mark Sikaundi
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Joined: 2 years ago
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This outline covers everything you need to get started with git. The article clearly explain all you need whether you a beginner or trying to get some explanation on how to use git, you are in a right place to learn from. All key con-concept explained with examples.



1. Introduction to Git

  • What is Git?
    • Overview of Version Control Systems (VCS): A VCS helps manage changes to source code over time. Git is a distributed VCS, meaning every developer has a full copy of the project history.
    • History and significance of Git: Created by Linus Torvalds in 2005, Git has become the most popular VCS due to its efficiency, speed, and distributed nature.
  • Why use Git?
    • Benefits of using Git for version control: Git allows multiple developers to work simultaneously, tracks changes, and supports branching and merging for flexible workflows.
    • Comparison with other version control systems: Git vs. SVN, Mercurial, etc.

2. Getting Started with Git

  • Installation
    • Installing Git on Windows, macOS, and Linux: Step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing Git from


  • Basic Configuration
  • Setting up your Git environment:
    use below config to set your details

    git config --global "Your Name"
    git config --global ""

    Configuring default text editor:

    git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
    Checking configuration settings:
    git config --list

3. Basic Git Concepts

  • Repositories
    • What is a repository? A repository is a directory that Git tracks.
    • Creating a repository:
      git init
    • Cloning a repository:
      git clone <repository-url>
  • Commits
    • Understanding commits: A commit is a snapshot of your repository at a specific point in time.
    • Creating commits:
      git add <file>
      git commit -m "Commit message"
    • Viewing commit history:
      git log
  • Branches
    • What are branches? Branches allow you to work on different parts of a project simultaneously.
    • Creating and switching branches:
      git branch <branch-name>
      git checkout <branch-name>
    • Merging branches:
      git checkout main
      git merge <branch-name>
    • Resolving merge conflicts: Git will prompt you to resolve conflicts manually.


  • Tags
    • What are tags? Tags mark specific points in history as important.
    • Creating and listing tags:
      git tag <tag-name>
      git tag

4. Basic Git Commands

  • Repository Commands
    • git init: Initializes a new Git repository.
    • git clone: Clones an existing repository to your local machine.


  • File Operations
    • git add <file>: Stages changes for the next commit.
    • git commit -m "message": Commits staged changes with a message.
    • git status: Shows the status of changes.
    • git log: Displays the commit history.


  • Branching Commands
    • git branch: Lists all branches.
    • git checkout <branch>: Switches to the specified branch.
    • git merge <branch>: Merges the specified branch into the current branch.


  • Remote Repositories
    • git remote -v: Shows the URLs of remote repositories.
    • git fetch: Fetches updates from the remote repository.
    • git pull: Fetches and merges updates from the remote repository.
    • git push: Pushes local changes to the remote repository.

5. Working with Remote Repositories

  • Understanding Remotes
    • Adding and removing remotes:
      git remote add <name> <url>
      git remote remove <name>
    • Tracking branches: Remotes track changes in branches from other repositories.
  • Collaboration Workflows
    • Forking and cloning: Create a copy of a repository on GitHub, then clone it locally.
    • Pull requests: Propose changes to a repository.
    • Reviewing and merging pull requests: Review and integrate changes from pull requests.

6. Undoing Changes

  • Reverting Changes
    • Undoing changes in the working directory:
      git checkout -- <file>
    • Reverting commits:
      git revert <commit>
  • Resetting
    • Soft, mixed, and hard resets:
      git reset --soft <commit>
      git reset --mixed <commit>
      git reset --hard <commit>
  • Rebasing
    • What is rebasing? Rebasing integrates changes from one branch into another.
    • Interactive rebasing:
      git rebase -i <commit>

7. Advanced Git Features

  • Stashing
    • Saving and applying stashes:
      git stash
      git stash apply
    • Managing multiple stashes:
      git stash list
  • Cherry-Picking
    • Applying specific commits from one branch to another:
      git cherry-pick <commit>
  • Submodules
    • Working with submodules:
      git submodule add <repository-url>
      git submodule update --init

8. Git Workflows

  • Centralized Workflow
    • Overview and use cases
  • Feature Branch Workflow
    • Overview and use cases
  • Gitflow Workflow
    • Overview and use cases
  • Forking Workflow
    • Overview and use cases

9. Using Git with GitHub

  • Setting up GitHub
    • Creating a GitHub account: Register at
    • Linking Git and GitHub:
      git remote add origin <repository-url>
      git push -u origin main
  • GitHub Features
    • Issues and project boards: Track tasks and bugs.
    • GitHub Actions: Automate workflows.
  • Publishing Repositories
    • Creating a new repository on GitHub: Use GitHub’s web interface.
    • Pushing local repositories to GitHub:
      git push -u origin main
  • Collaboration on GitHub
    • Forking repositories: Make a copy of a repository.
    • Submitting pull requests: Propose changes.
    • Code review process: Review and discuss proposed changes.

10. Git Best Practices

  • Writing Good Commit Messages
    • Guidelines for commit messages: Keep them clear and descriptive.
  • Branch Naming Conventions
    • Consistent and meaningful naming: Use descriptive names like feature/add-login.
  • Frequent Commits
    • Committing early and often: Helps track progress and find issues.
  • Code Reviews
    • Importance and best practices: Regular reviews improve code quality.
  • Backup and Restore
    • Ensuring data safety: Regularly push changes to remote repositories.

11. Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Resolving Merge Conflicts
    • Step-by-step guide: Manually resolve conflicts and commit the changes.
  • Common Error Messages
    • Explanation and fixes: Research and resolve common issues.
  • Using git fsck and git gc
    • Checking and cleaning up repositories:
      git fsck
      git gc

12. Additional Resources

  • Documentation and Guides
    • Official Git documentation: Comprehensive resource.
    • Popular Git books and online resources: Enhance your understanding.
  • Community and Support
    • Git communities and forums: Engage with other users.
    • Contributing to open-source projects: Improve skills and contribute
