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Building a Simple JavaScript Quiz: Code Explained

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Mark Sikaundi
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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 101
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Let's break down the code step-by-step to understand what's happening at each part.

Variables and DOM Elements

const questionContainer = document.getElementById('question-container'); 
const questionElement = document.getElementById('question'); 
const answerButtons = document.getElementById('answer-buttons'); 
const nextButton = document.getElementById('next-button');
  • questionContainer: This variable holds the HTML element with the ID question-container, which is where the questions will be displayed.
  • questionElement: This variable holds the HTML element for displaying the question text.
  • answerButtons: This variable holds the HTML element that will contain the answer buttons for the user to select.
  • nextButton: This variable holds the HTML element for the "Next" button, which allows the user to proceed to the next question.

Question Data Structure

const questions = [ 
{ question: 'What is the capital of France?', 
answers: [ 
{ text: 'Berlin', correct: false }, 
{ text: 'Madrid', correct: false }, 
{ text: 'Paris', correct: true }, 
{ text: 'Lisbon', correct: false } ] }, 
// ... other questions ... ];
  • questions: This is an array of objects, where each object represents a question. Each question has:
    • A question string that contains the question text.
    • An answers array with possible answers, each represented as an object containing:
      • text: The answer text.
      • correct: A boolean indicating whether the answer is correct.

Current Question Index

let currentQuestionIndex = 0;
  • currentQuestionIndex: This variable keeps track of which question is currently being displayed. It starts at 0, indicating the first question.

Start Game Function

function startGame() { 
currentQuestionIndex = 0; 
  • startGame: This function resets the game state:
    • Sets currentQuestionIndex to 0, so the first question is shown.
    • Hides the "Next" button using classList.add('hide').
    • Calls showQuestion to display the current question.

Show Question Function

function showQuestion(question) { 
questionElement.innerText = question.question; 
answerButtons.innerHTML = ''; 
question.answers.forEach(answer => { 
const button = document.createElement('button'); 
button.innerText = answer.text; 
button.addEventListener('click', () => selectAnswer(answer)); 
  • showQuestion: This function updates the UI to display a given question:
    • Sets the innerText of questionElement to the question text.
    • Clears any existing answer buttons by setting innerHTML to an empty string.
    • Loops through the answers of the question:
      • For each answer, it creates a new button element.
      • Sets the button's text to the answer text.
      • Adds a class btn for styling.
      • Adds a click event listener that calls selectAnswer when clicked.
      • Appends the button to the answerButtons container.

Select Answer Function

function selectAnswer(answer) { 
const correct = answer.correct; 
if (correct) { 
} else { 
} = 'block';
  • selectAnswer: This function is called when an answer button is clicked:
    • It checks if the answer is correct.
    • Displays an alert indicating whether the answer was correct or wrong.
    • Makes the "Next" button visible by changing its style to display: block.

Next Button Logic

nextButton.addEventListener('click', () => { 
if (currentQuestionIndex < questions.length) { 
showQuestion(questions[currentQuestionIndex]); = 'none'; 
} else { 
alert('Quiz finished!'); 
  • Next Button Event Listener: This code sets up an event listener for the "Next" button:
    • Increments currentQuestionIndex to move to the next question.
    • Checks if there are more questions:
      • If yes, calls showQuestion with the next question and hides the "Next" button.
      • If no more questions are available, it shows an alert that the quiz is finished and restarts the game by calling startGame.

Start the Game

  • This line initializes the game when the script first runs, calling the startGame function to set everything in motion.


The code sets up a simple quiz application where users can answer multiple-choice questions. It manages the state of the quiz, updates the UI based on user interaction, and provides feedback on whether the answers were correct. Each function is responsible for a specific aspect of the quiz's behavior, making the code organized and easy to follow.
